Friday, September 11, 2009

Sounds About Right

a la HERE:
Derek Jeter said he was uncomfortable taking a bow for tying Lou Gehrig's hit record on Wednesday night because the Yankees were trailing the Rays at the time, and he was worried about disrespecting his opponent - until he saw Tampa Bay players applauding him as well.

And it sounded sincere only because it was Jeter.

Had Alex Rodriguez said such a thing, eyes would have rolled everywhere and his words would have been perceived as a contrived attempt at modesty. For almost any other player, in fact, such words would have been met with a healthy dose of cynicism.

On a side note, if I had broken the record for hits on the Yankees, I would've had a remote to push that made the opposing team's jerseys explode to reveal I SUCK XMASTIME'S BALLS, HE IS AWESOME!!! painted on their chests, and insisted that the city shut down for a week. But hey, that's me.

NOTE: I am not, nor will I be anytime soon, in a position to break said record.

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