Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Walking to the park for softball on Sunday, it occurred to me that with consecutive numbers, the square of the second is equal to the square of the first plus the sum of those consecutive numbers.

(A+1)2 = A2 + (A + (A+1))

eg, 7 squared = 6 squared (36) + (6+7) = 49


Am I a math genius and should be in charge of things? Probably. Softball genius? Nyet. Another ignominious ending to a season. Sigh.


The Gnat said...

IF only your softball wins were increasing exponentially, this would be very useful. BTW TEam That What SHe Said featuring the wife (and The "non-baseball-playing-since-Little-League-and-even-skipped-gym-class-softball-to-play-tennis" Gnat) is 3-1 with two more games tonight. Huzzah!

Xmastime said...

Keith Gaskins showing up to save your ass like back in the day??!?!?!?!!!!!!!

The Gnat said...

Lost two games to a team that should have been playing in a more competitive league. Now I remember Craig Poochie Hence coming to my rescue at least once too. But then again, I was probably protecting Joe Braxton's ass, so the circle goes on. Last night, I made a "Peter Buck throws his arm out" joke that luckily my sister got.

Xmastime said...

the name-dropping!! love it!! :)