Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Wallflowers Bloooooooww

The Sports Guy has been twittering about Bruce all day and he reminded me of this clip, when Bruce played with the Wallflowers at some awards show on tv in 1997. I remember laughing at the time re: Bruce blowing these idiots off the stage, embarrassing the guitar player with his shredding and Dylan's kid by showing some personality and acting like he wasn't completely miserable to be there - typical Bruce, having more energy playing your own song than yourself. I remember Adam Sandler was the host or something at the dais right after, and he said "gee, you think you'd crack a smile if Bruce Springsteen sang your song on tv with you."


The Gnat said...

Have you seen Bruce doing 59 Sound with Gaslight Anthem over in Europe? The Gaslight guy really appreciates the fact that Bruce Springsteen is onstage singing HIS song with him. Jacob Dylan - not the same idolation.

Kiko Jones said...

Adam Sandler...ugh.