Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The West Wing, My Francophilia, Peggy from Mad Men OH MY!

Bartlet, Jean-Paul and Zoey are in the Oval Office. Bartlet is somewhat annoyed with Jean-Paul, Zoey's boyfriend from France.

JEAN-PAUL: It is better to work to live, I think, than to live to work.
BARTLET: Right. On the other hand, 20% of your youth is unemployed. They're just living to live.
JEAN-PAUL: Yes, that is right, but sir, we have the best public health care and pension in the world. State-financed pensions are equal almost income levels.
BARTLET: Yeah, it helps when someone else is picking up the bigger ticket items like a national defense.
ZOEY: I love seeing my two men sparring.
BARTLET: I'm sorry?
JEAN-PAUL: She's very fond of you.
BARTLET: Excellent.

Charlie knocks and enters.

BARTLET: Yes, absolutely, send them in.
JEAN-PAUL: You see, there is an attitude in your culture. There is an effort to defy all that is European and that behavior is seen by many to be...

Josh, Toby, C.J. and Will enter.

BARTLET: Yeah, whatever, hang on a second. [to Josh] What do you need?
JOSH: Sir, we didn't know you were busy; we'll wait outside.
BARTLET: No, that's all right. What do you need?
JOSH: The three of you should bond.
BARTLET: Come here.

Bartlet walks over to Josh and whispers in his ear.

BARTLET: If you leave, I'll kill you.
JOSH: Yes, sir.
BARTLET: I'm sorry, Jean-Paul, I'll have to cut it short. Josh has gotten himself in a jam. But I'll see you on the plane tonight, and I'll look forward to continue the discussion on, you know, what's wrong with me.

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