Sunday, September 20, 2009

White Laugh Riot

The funny thing about racism directed towards Obama is that technically, he's half white. Which means these people can't even get being racist right.

I don't believe in God, but if I did, I would think he's laughing his head off at all this.


Anonymous said...

So if someone posts a sign or wears a derogatory T-shirt depicting Obama as a purely black man they are stupid because they don't know he is half white. But if someone disagrees with him or thinks he is lying with no mention of his color, they are branded a racist. It seems like it is only liberals who bring up the color of this guy's skin. I could care less. The race card is so played and lame. When liberals can't compete in the arena of ideas they resort to diversion and name calling.
Not sure why you think God is laughing at any of this. Unless your theoretical god is created in your own image since you find it funny. Seems like you threw that line in just to assert your godlessness. Which is fine. Those of us who know and are known by Him assert our godliness. He does have a sense of humor though. He will laugh at those who assert themselves against Him and His Anointed. And yet, He still does not delight in the death of the wicked. "I pity the fool" Mr T.

Nerdhappy said...
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The Gnat said...

Burned, XMAS. Burned on all fronts. Great picture though - you would think that would originate from the South where every last white person is inherently and incorrigibly racist to the bone (right, liberal mouthpieces?), but I guarantee it didn't.

Xmastime said...

okay...where were these signs during Bush? i dont mean policy signs, i mean "is he really American?" signs? where were all the signs then? oh, im sorry, where were all the "big government" signs then?

Xmastime said...

and yeah, "Anonymous," you look and sound like an idiot too. gee, cant wait for a white president, right?

Nerdhappy said...

"But if someone disagrees with him or thinks he is lying with no mention of his color, they are branded a racist."

@Anonymous, the above line is complete bull shit.