Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yankee Stadium Ghosts Love the New Stadium

Looking back, it's funny how worried Yankee fans were about the "ghosts" of Yankee Stadium not making the trip over to the new Stadium, as this has been by FAR the most exciting season in years - a scrappier, more fun-loving likable team that has had 14 walk-off hits in the Stadium this season (including a week which may have been THE GREATEST HOMESTAND IN THE HISTORY OF YANKEE STADIUM.) The previous 5 or so years were fairly uneventful, with pretty much A-Rod's outrageous 2007 season and Mike Mussina going for 20 wins before retiring the only things to really be excited about; you'd think they'd be a little more like "let's get the fuck outta here to the new Stadium already." Ah well.

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