Sunday, October 04, 2009

2009 Yankees

When you get older you start to wanna stop and smell the roses, so I gotta say, this 2009 Yankees team has been my favorite sports team since the 1998 team. Yeah the 2004 Reel to Reel team had Kal and the 2007 Reel to Reel team shoulda won a ring, but this Yankees team goes up there with the 1981 UVa Cavaliers (aka The Dark Ages: Back when UVa Hoops Mattered) basketball team, the 1986 Celtics and the 1992-era Cowboys.

The 103 wins are great, but it's HOW they got them: a wagonload of come-from-behind wins; after about a month into the season you could tell this team was never out of a game, unlike some teams in the past who when they fell behind kinda said "fuck it, we'll try again tomorrow." And the 15 walk-off wins. The absurd number of these walk-offs and come from behind wins at home after worrying about "the ghosts" not coming from across the street. The new guys on the team injecting some humor and playfulness into a clubhouse that hadn't known of such things in years. It being palpable that the team actually liked hanging out with each other and playing together.

There's been years that while I certainly didn't agree with them, I didn't really bother to argue Yankee haters about how automated/slightly douchey the Yankees had become. This was not one of those years.

My own favorite personal memory HERE.

Of course, none of the matters if they tank in the first round. Grrrr.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

The Yankees will ALWAYS be douchey to the fuckin' haters out there. Fuck 'em I say. Where's your team gonna spend their post season, huh? Assholes.

Btw, as someone who rooted for them in the WS last year and was hoping they’d overtake the Sux in this season’s AL wild card race, I’m really upset at the Rays and their bush league shenanigans re: Teixeira.

No class.