Monday, October 05, 2009


I've started watching that documentary on the band Anvil. And I guess we're supposed to look at them as some sort of losers; musicians who lost their chance at greatness, all while being an influence to other successful bands. Okay.

You know, this is really fun - Anvil is supposed to be some Spinal-Tappish band we feel sorry for because they somehow missed out on the hair metal thing that came about during their time. But from what I see, Anvil has been Anvil since 1973. And in doing a little bit of research, these guys have never had to do anything other than BE Anvil since then. And yeah, they got passed over in the history books, but in the end, here are a group of guys that have spent their lives doing EXACTLY what they want to do. And hell, just for kicks, here they are 30 years later getting paid for it.

Them being an 80's metal band, they're easy to paint as "stupid." But I am 37 years old, and in my life I know exactly ONE person who is doing EXACTLY what he/she WANTS to do for a living, ie what he/she is getting paid to do what they would normally do for free, One. And yet I'm supposed to make fun of these guys? Really? Yeah, of course I think the music sucks, cause it does. But they have pulled off what the REAL trick of life is - doing what you LOVE every day. Period. They've made a living doing what they love. They win. Good for them.


Kiko Jones said...

I'm not trying to be a dick, just sincerely wondering, did those guys EVER make a living? I mean, yeah, they've done what they wanted for 35 years, but from the clips I've seen and from what I've read, it looks like--for the most part--a hobby that lasted 4 decades. No?

Xmastime said...

from what i can tell and WIki, they never took other jobs. but I could be wrong about that.

Kiko Jones said...

I've yet to see the doc but in Roger Ebert's review he states the guys have worked in telephone sales, demolition, and mentions one of them driving "a delivery truck carrying school meals". While Peter Travers' review in Rolling Stone has them "supporting their families with day jobs".

It doesn't surprise me since, as you well know, acts more successful than Anvil have had day jobs while already being established recording artists. (Hell, I've been friends with quite a few that fall into that category.)

Btw, Anvil are supposed to be performing on The Tonight Show, Tuesday Oct. 6th.