Monday, October 12, 2009

Awesome Liza Poster

from Sully:
60 percent of weekly church-goers are more against discrimination against gay servicemembers than Joe Solmonese, head of the largest gay rights group. This White House is to the right of 58 percent of self-described conservatives and to the right of 69 percent of the population as a whole. Obama's base in refusing to end "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is now the religious right, and even more and more of them oppose the policy. Meanwhile, the actual generation that elected him, that built an Internet movement that was critical to his success, is dismissed in this cowardly fashion by someone who lives in 1993 for ever.
To me, it would seem that with everybody being embroiled in a coupla wars, and healthcare, and the economy tanking, and people taking to the streets re: "spending" and being "overtaxed" etc etc etc, this is the perfect time to let gay people marry and openly serve in the military with the quiet stroke (pun intended) of a few pens by Obama. Under the gaydar, you might say. Any uproar could be shot down "you're not serious about this other stuff, you're letting THIS distract you? Really???!?!"

Obviously if it was that easy it might've already happened, so I don't really know what I'm talking about. Of course, I'm not paid to fully understand the inside of actual beltway politics, I'm paid to wonder about things as anybody else this sexy might. Of course, I'm not paid, either. So there's that.

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