Friday, October 09, 2009

Cue Lee Greenwood

a lá Joe Klein:
...There is the sense that he has won simply by not being George W. Bush. Effete Europe is congratulating rowdy America for cleaning up its act and not bringing guns to the dinner table.

Well, I'm as relieved as anybody that the Bushian gunslingers have been given the gate and, as regular readers know, I'm a big fan of patient, rigorous diplomacy--and there's a certain lovely irony to any prize that brings the Taliban and the neoconservative Commentary crowd together in high dudgeon...
I can understand not being a fan of Obama's. But if you are a fan of George Bush, it's gotta make you sit and think for a minute, and wonder how great a president he really was when we are now a country whose president is given the Nobel Peace Prize for simply NOT being Yosemite Sam.

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