Tuesday, October 06, 2009

"Death Metal is for Pussies" - Xmastime, 9/29/90

A lá CNN:
Elizabeth McCutchen and a friend were walking to book club two weeks ago in quaint Farmville, Virginia, when they strolled by a home on First Avenue. "Something smells dead," her friend said.
I went to college in Farmville. I don't know what's more surprising - that apparently there's a "First Avenue," or that after 19 years my attempts to create a genre of music based on hip hop music that focuses around horror-influenced topics that include Satanism, cannibalism, suicide, murder and rape has finally caught on. I feel like The Ramones after Green Day hit it huge - sweet, sweet vindication!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to the album shout-outs!!!!

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

I as wondering if you were going to get wind of this. I don't think there has been a Dateline special yet, but it could be coming - What mudsic are your kids listening to? Rap is not just all about misogyny anymore. Sometimes its about MURDER!