Friday, October 09, 2009

Dedicated to Marley (Feeling Good About Yourself?)

 The other night I stumbled upon some cheap bio of Bruce - how did I know the budget for this particular documentary was "not much"? Well, for one thing, at least half a dozen photos had Bruce playing guitar left-handed. Hmm. Also, if you're doing a doc on a musician, and you're playing music thorughout the whole thing yet none of that music is, you know, actual music by that artist, then you MIGHT not be Ken Burns, know what I mean?

Anyway, I don't even know why I'm watching since its just rehashing stories 'n shit even just casual Springsteen fans already know, I'm gettin' noting new, until all of a sudden some guy starts talking about the hat in Bruce's pocket on the cover of Born in the USA. The cap belonged this guy, who was a friend of Bruce, and who's father had just died. One day he's at some bar and Bruce walks in and starts saying hey man, I really like that hat. Finally the guy's like fine, take the hat, whatever. The guy gives it to him, and Bruce, as he's leaving, says "whenever you see this cap from now on, you'll think of your dad." Lo and behold, few weeks later there it is, on what would become one of the most ubiquitous album covers of all time.

Of course it's covering his ass, and it looks like he's pissing, but still. Ain't that some shit. Or, as those of us who have met him (which I don't talk about, as you know) are want to say, "typical Bruce."


Marley said...

I bet you believe George Washington threw a cherry tree across the Potomac.

Xmastime said...

and Bruce sewed the american flag with it!!!