Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fatty the Owner

Of course like anybody I'm horrified at the thought of Rush Limbaugh owning an NFL team, since I'm not retarded, or, en francais, a "neocon." And I'm glad black players have spoken out about it. But then again, I really have no idea what kind of people most of these owners are anyway. Jerry Jones gets a lot of tv time, so I feel like I can say he's not a racist blowhard. But he's probably the only one I can opine about - who the fuck knows what the standard personality of an NFL owner is? I mean, we're talking mostly about old white men, right? I'm "guessing" there's a few of them that has let a racist remark about his own players fly out of his mouth.

Of course, I think Rush would be a (ironically-named) minority owner; hell I don't even know how many teams are from the old school of some lone dude owning them, a lá Al Davis or Jerry Jones. So while like I said I'm glad players are speaking up, and I hope they refuse to play for him and he's publicly embarrassed cause he's a big fat douchebag, the notion that he'd be the first owner who is "insensitive to black players" seems absurd.

Seriously...how the FUCK did Rush Limbaugh get that ESPN gig in the first place? I mean, wtf?

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