Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birfday

The other day I mentioned Bob Sheppard turning 99 years old, and now I find out that today is John Wooden's 99th. The Wizard of Westwood was elected into the Basketball Hall of Fame the same year the President of the United States was born. Good lord.

Both of these guys (both Xmastime Guys, btw) were on my People I'm Always Surprised are Still Alive list...BACK IN 2007!!! And they're still kicking it. Goddam.


Unknown said...

As a lifelong Hoosier and basketball dork, I am nevertheless still surprised whenever I see old pictures of Wooden and read about his playing days. The dude still ends up on Top Ten Indiana College Players Lists. As grandfatherly as his persona may be, enhanced by his years of classroom teaching before the UCLA gig, the man was an apparent beast on the basketball court. Indiana basketball history is really some good shit.

Xmastime said...

agree - always slightly surprised to remember he was a player.

also agree on your last line :)