Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I don't know pretty much anything about the HRC, but apparently there's a reason the head of it thinks it's in his own best interest to NOT really push Obama and to KEEP the DADT policy in the military, maybe to have a reason for those worthless black-tie dinners Sully's ranting about. I can see why dude's inertia frustrates Sully so much, since a quick perusal though  Wikipedia  my mind's encyclopedic knowledge of presidential history shows me that the last time a president was elected from the same party as his predecessor and was NOT that president's vice-president was Herbert Hoover in 1928. As in 88 years before 2016. So with Joe Biden being 74 in 2016 and therein probably too old to run, odds are a Republican would be in the White House after Obama's (presumably) 8-year run. Which means we're talking about January 20, 2021 or, even worse, January 20, 2025 for DADT to even be considered for repeal since, while who knows, by then such an issue could be a non-issue, and for all we know the parties will have flip-flopped, at this time I have my doubts it will be a Republican president that will be the one to champion gay rights. So, as pissed as Sully is, it actually might even be worse. Interesting.

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