Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm Available!

I saw somewhere that Glenn Beck, in response to Obama supposedly putting someone named Anita Dunn in charge of watching him and then disputing what he says on a daily basis, is setting up a red phone in his studio and is telling Dunn to call anytime she thinks something he has said is wrong.

Obviously I hope this person's job doesn't exist; any mere mention of Beck et al only lend's credence in a battle Obama can't win for, as David Gergen once said, "the press always has the last barrel of ink." I'm hoping Obama doesn't take people like Beck seriously.

BUT. If he does, and if such a phone does exist, I think it would be great if I was the one to call Beck on his show every day. I believe my resumé below speaks for itself re: how great I am on the phone. Let's do this!!

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