Monday, October 05, 2009

Last Night's TV

Wasn't as great as I was hoping, Larry was funny but the Seinfeld cast wasn't great; Op prolly nailed it re: Larry has gotten used to improv while the others are used to being scripted actors. And the idea that the only reason he's doing the reunion is for Cheryl is absurd, even for him. Even dumber is the idea that an exec would dump the project just cause LD told him to fuck off; I'm pretty sure if a Seinfeld reunion was uin the balance, LD could $hit on dude's head and get a smile and "thank you, Mr. David, may I have another!!!" in return. Wasn't great, but holding out hope it'll get a lot better as the reunion goes on.

And please: MORE LEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blech. Don't remember or care, but that's my own hang-up re: I always want more scenes in the office. Cut-throat ad man shit. Not Betty fucking Draper or whatever. More inner-office shit please!!!!!

On Showtime right now, The Boys of 2nd Street Park. Super slice.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

You love an office.