Monday, October 12, 2009

A League of Their Own

My post yesterday about those idiots playing pranks on service member's families neglected to mention the guy at RedState actually being stupid enough to use the ol' "well, that's how they do it in the movies" argument, which reminded me of what's probably the best scene (certainly the most touching) in A League of Their Own, which is one of those movies I've somehow seen 14,000 times (AND was the first movie I ever saw in New York, when I came up to visit RRTHUR (yes, ladies, THAT RRTHUR) in 1992.) The scene is great for obvious reasons (the Jimmy/girls relationship has turned the corner, the emotion of it yada yada yada), but there's other things I personally love about it (the locker room scene, not the rest of the clip), such as

1) any scene with that fat shit Stillwell is funny
2) after, like I said, having seen this flick 14,000 times all of a sudden just now it occurred to me that the Western Union Guy was Tom Cavanaugh, who would later be responsible for what is EASILY the dumbest, shittiest show ever made for tv, Love Monkey. Seriously, go to Hulu or whoever has it, buy the dvds, do whatever you hafta do - it's worth sitting through the handful of shows they made before realizing "this might have been a huge mistake" just to show yourself how horrible humanity can be. Side note: looked it up on IMDB. Wasn't him after all. But still, watch Love Monkey. Wow.
3) This is the obligatory "okay, let's get the hot chicks as close to being naked as we can get away with in a Tom Hanks film based in the 1940's" scene. Seriously, one day I'm gonna put together my Rockford Peaches Hot Rankings, but not now because it deserves actual care and thought (AND they all might be topped by Racine's first baseman, future sex-addict David Duchovney's wife TeĆ” Leoni.)
4) Jimmy walks in and announces he was just doing one of my all-time favorite things: reading on the shitter.
5) I've been looking for an opportunity to slap a chick on her ass and call her a "stack of pancakes" for 17 years now. Will keep you posted.
6) This scene gave birth to maybe the greatest "lump-in-throat broken up by something incredibly inappropriate" moment; the Barber and I were watching this and as Betty Spaghetti is completely collapsed in her tears and grief the Barber brays loudly "CONGRATULATIONS Betty, you are SINGLE!!" Wow.
7) Hanks response to Betty, while touching, reminds us that when confronted with a woman who's just been told her husband's dead, the best men can usually come up with is "'s okay." Awesome.

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