Monday, October 19, 2009

Mad Men

I have a sneaking suspicion that Mad Men has jumped the shark. What started out as (supposedly) an inside look at the Machiavellan shark-infested waters of the male-dominated business world backed beautifully by the decor of the era has turned into a weekly "Something horrible is going to happen to Don" deathwatch, with rare moments in the office seemingly put in as afterthought. Camon. So whenever this great fall does happen, either the show is then over forever, or we're supposed to then re-focus on characters we've been led to believe aren't very important? Really?


ope said...

the side stories are paper thin -- cambells wife/peggys mom/salvatores gayness. meh. the only offer is its commingling with history; need more of that (assassination soon i guess).

Anonymous said...

It's about time you figured this out! Weak tea, indeed.

Nerdhappy said...

I tell everyone about how you called the lack of civil rights being an issue on the show, and they all say, "oh yeah...".