Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Modest Proposal

Being at a loss for words after having his ass handed to him by Shep Smith re: not having a public option means people being forced to pay even more money to the very insurance companies that are screwing everybody over in the first place, THIS JACKOFF falls back on the ol' tried 'n true, I-don't-have-a-thought-in-my-own-fucking-head, “We’re not even allowing the people of America to read the bill" nonsense.

I'll tell you what Obama should do. Pay anyone in America $1000 if they read the entire bill and can pass an EXTREMELY EASY, small quiz afterwards. Questions like maybe "Does this sound like something Satan would do to you?" and "Does it say anything about Obama getting to choose when your grandmother dies?" Maybe something about cameltoe thrown in there just to keep things light.

Anyways, this would lead to more people having an idea about the bill upon actually reading it and not just what Glenn Beck has blubbered into their earholes, AND acts as an economic stimulus for these very same people! WHICH they could spend on their government-run, more affordable healthcare! If they wanted. An aquarium with spiders, if they want that, whatevs.

Reading + stimulus = Xmastime checking out Pentouse Forum!  Whoops, I mean a win-win-win situation!!!

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