Friday, October 09, 2009

Noble Prize

Obama winning the Nobel Prize today DOES seem a tad absurd. However, the neocons are gonna completely blow any cred on the issue by what I'm sure is already an insane amount of knee-jerk outraged craziness and therein win Obama some defensive support from people who might already be thinking "gee, this seems premature."

I've said 1000 times, wait for him to do something stupid to pounce and trash. Going crazy over this is worthless - after all, even if it is wrong, is it really Obama's fault? Of course not. So if they were smart they'd simply congratulate him, and let the obvious stay obvious to the people that when there's a camera present they love to claim are so smart. Don't make a non-issue and issue. Use this as an opportunity to at least PRETEND you have class and credibility, and save the outrage for something a little more meaningful.

Of course, it's already noon, so I'm guessing that ship has already sailed. Oh well.

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