Friday, October 16, 2009

Playoff Venting

Have I mentioned how much I LOOOOOOVE the fucking absurd playoff schedule tv has subjected us too? First of all, it'll be a fucking miracle if the 2 games get played on schedule this weekend. Then, if a makeup game has to be played Sunday they'll probably fucking wait until AFTER their NFL games, meaning about 8:30pm, and therein giving weather even MORE of a chance to fuck things up again. To say nothing about the fact that bad weather can negate a team's superior talent, particularly in a sport normally played in warm weather and by players who grew up in warm weather places.

And, of course, all this after the teams have stood around for almost a week now in weather that was perfectly fucking fine to play in.

MLB wants to keep fucking doing this more and more every year, then there's gonna come a time, maybe a Twins/Cubs World Series, where they're gonna hafta fucking fly the teams to gotdam Toronto to play in a dome, cause it's Thanksgiving fucking weekend and they're buried under a fucking blizzard.
It's not about shortening the season, it's not even about shortening the number of fucking games; it's about not making teams fucking waste days and weeks between and during playoff rounds...AFTER HAVING FUCKING PLAYED 162 GAMES IN 181 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what really drives this home? You know what happened 6 years ago today?

The Aaron Boone home run, which won the 2003 ALCS...IN THE FUCKING 7TH GAME!!!!! And we're not talking about 1972 or some shit, we're talking only 6 fucking years ago!!! Game 7 was TODAY!!!

(gasket blown)

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