Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rush Thinks the NFL is Full of Liberals. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

Looking back on the whole thing already, of course everybody did everything wrong on the whole Limbaugh buying the Rams thing. Everyone shoula just not said anything about it - of COURSE there's no way in hell the owners woulda let him buy into a team; no matter how small a part of ownership he woulda been, we're talking about a tiny number of men who don't particularly want any attention drawn to the fact that they're making billions of dollars a year, and they CERTAINLY wouldn't be interested in anybody who even had a chance of costing them a dime outta those billions. So now all we've done is give him the tons of free publicity he probably only really wanted anyway, and he gets to play the victim card, as if it's his or anybody else's right to own a team in the NFL simply by having enough money. Obviously he's perfectly within his rights to APPLY, but it's also certainly within the league's rights to REJECT him, no questions asked. I'm sure the list of "rejected NFL ownership applications" is a lot longer today than "one," and I've never heard another potential buyer spend what I'm sure will be months bitching about it to millions of people every day. And, surprise, the sour grapes have already started with him being removed from his ownership team (and NOT, it should be noted, rejected by the NFL.)


Anonymous said...

How do you square this with letting Michael Vick back in the league? It's not like the NFL has much of a reputation to protect at this point.

Xmastime said...

explain what the two have to do with each other.