Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

I don't understand why people are so amazed that Palin could've written her 400-page "memoir" in only four months. Why is this considered such a feat? There's been plenty of days where I've written 2500-3000 words on this blog, none of those being days that I entirely dedicated to sitting down and writing; CERTAINLY none knowing that at the end I'd be getting millions of dollars for my efforts. What's important is the CONTENT, as in I'm guessing that the Palin book is bloated by as much utter nonsense as this blog is. No, you couldn't write, say, Crime and Punishment in only four months, but I fail to see somebody filling up 400 pages with "America is great!" and copying/pasting an endless series of neocon talking points as being something that is impressive or in any way hard to believe possible. Camon. Yes, there's a lot of people who can knock out 400 pages in 4 months. They're called "typists."

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