Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The paid-in-analingus interns over at the UG have linked to a Jonah Weiner article about Creed's comeback, which includes the line
"Higher" might turn out to be the nu-grunge "Don't Stop Believing": dismissed by cognoscenti on arrival as bludgeoning and gauche but destined for rehabilitation down the road as a triumphant slab of ersatz inspirationalism.
Really? I know the popular thing to believe is Don't Stop Believing made a come-from-outta-nowhere bid to immortality thanks to The Sopranos, but it was also always a really good song - Journey has plenty of embarrassing moments in it's catalog, but you can count the number of people from age 8-80 who ever turned Don't Stop Believing off the car radio over the last 30ish years on one hand. As for Higher, I have no answer for that. I always personally hated Like a Virgin, but I can at least see the appeal, unlike with Creed's sludgy histrionics. I cannot imagine it standing the test of time, I don't know how it's gonna end up in Don't Stop Believing territory, but I'm also an old, bitter man, so what do I know. Hell, a few short years ago I woulda said we wouldn't have a black president in my lifetime, and here we are already halfway there.

But let's not forget, it took a George Bush to get us there, just like it took the stankified, shit-acular Creed to make us start thinking "boy, whatever happened to Journey? They sound INCREDIBLE next to this, don't they?"  So I shiver to think how shitty a band in the future is going to hafta be to make everyone start thinking "hey, whatever happened to Creed? Those were some great songs, weren't they?"

Mostly, I just hope I hold onto this life long enough to see Higher return to us listeners "down the road as a triumphant slab of ersatz inspirationalism."

XMASTIME: doc...has it...have they...
DOCTOR: sorry Xmastime...not yet.
XMASTIME: I...can't leave until...Higher has become a triumphant slab of ersatz inspirationalism.
DOCTOR: (shaking head sadly)
XMASTIME: ...can't give
DOCTOR: you should probably give up.


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