Friday, October 09, 2009

What a Day

It's funny how some days it all comes together, even if it takes all day. I couldn't sleep last night, so I was tired this morning on my way to work. I opened my book, tried to read by couldn't get it going, so on switching trains I got the Daily News, which I havent bothered with for months. And since the ride is like an hour, you squeeze out every word, and by the end, on the bus even, I found myself on THIS DAY IN SPORTS and saw that it was 13 years ago today when Jeff Maier plucked a home run for Jeter against the Orioles. I saw the play on tv, but I wasn't a Yankee fan at the time. Actually, everything I knew about baseball came from my mother's mother, which made the day even more notable for myself. Anyway, I remember taking time to really think about it, and making a note to pick at Op with it throughout the day, which I immediately forgot and instead focused on making fun of Op cause he can't read. Which, ironically, means the "you can't read!" emails fall flat. But, just like ME knowing how special I am no matter if anyone else sees it, I still got some laughs myself.

And then I saw that terrible call on what should've been Mauer's double, and I thought of sitting on the bus reading that, and I posted it, and 3 minutes later Tex finished the game. Fucking awesome. What a day.

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