Friday, November 06, 2009

After School I took a J-O-B

A lot of people on the right like to cry "where are the jobs? Where the jobs?" Of course one sector that could create a ton of jobs that would both employ people and better the badly-in-need-of-repair infrastructure of the country while they're at it would be the government. But of course if the government stepped in and said "hey, we could create some jobs!" the right would pass out from screaming "socialists!!!!"

You can make a pretty good case that just employing a lot of people directly would be a lot more cost-effective; the WPA and CCC cost surprisingly little given the number of people put to work. Think of it as the stimulus equivalent of getting the middlemen out of the student loan program.

So why aren’t we doing this? Politics, of course: government is the problem, not the solution, even when it is, you know, the solution, and cheaper than running things through the private sector.
I guess I'm more of a Keynesian (lookit me, dropping economists names like mad rhymes, bitches!)  I've written many times here I'm a big WPA guy. And I loves me some titties also, btw. But obviously the government can only create jobs if it involves defense, or handing out money to millionaires who have gambled other people's money away. Of course.

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