Sunday, November 08, 2009


For years it became rote for "punk rock bands" to take slow ballads or folk songs and "punk them up," ie "play it really fast and ignore the nuance that probably made it a great song in the first place." Now, it looks like the reverse is happening, punk songs are being turned into folk songs for no real reason other than it seems like the thing to do. I don't know which is more maddeningly shitty to listen to, tho I do lay blame on Jesse Malin for the trend, with his shitastic slowed down covers in recent years (listening to Bastards of Young and wondering "how can I suck the life out of this song?", for instance.)

Oh look, it's the Indigo Girls determined to make Clampdown unlistenable. Awesome.


here. said...

i've heard far worse than this. gay (cough) harmonies aside, it's a credible enuff version. chalk up another W for rylo's fave band!

Xmastime said...

ba-ZING!! :)