Friday, November 06, 2009

Ft. Hood

The shooting at Ft. Hood should probably remind us what happens when we continually send people into war zones for repeated tours with no end in sight and no attainable goals clearly defined. Traumatic mental stress builds up in the BEST or war scenarios, and certainly in ones that don't make a lot of sense to everybody.

But of course, I understand our desperate need to flush billions of dollars down the shitter every week in the name of scaring ourselves instead of using the money to actually better the country, so I'm not going to sit here and pretend I think this will be the last time this happens anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

But this guy had never been deployed before, Dr. Xmastime.

Xmastime said...

He was a psychiatrist who no doubt was pushed by evaluating those who had been there. And the mere prospect of his being deployed unhinged him. So that might tell you something if you took three seconds to turn on your tiny brain. Try that before being trying to be overly clever, shithead.

Marley said...

Of all the peurile shit you've posted, this is up there. Xmastime does Chomsky.

After 9-11, I suppose your mantra was that the attacks "should probably remind us what happens when we continually send people into Muslim areas with no fixed departure date."

As for "[t]raumatic mental stress builds up in the BEST or war scenarios," as has been pointed out, again, you've swallowed your talking point without chewing to determine its accuracy.

Add it on to Edwards was the son of a coal miner and NY's congressional 23rd was in the hands of the GOP since Grant.

Marley said...

But "no doubt" he was pushed to do this by

1) the fact that he's a fuckin' lunatic infused with backward psychotic Islamist tendencies

2) the fact that he's a fuckin' lunatic

3) the fact that we're involved in protracted wars of which Xmastime disapproves

A similar meme occurred post 9-11 when some wanted to attribute the lunacy of the 19 hijackers to their poor and ignoble social status in a third world raped and pillaged by the U.S.

Turned out they were 19 Middle East equivalents to the kids in Dead Poet's Society.

Xmastime said...

You're absolutely right, US soldiers never snap from their conditions, they're always smiling with gumdrops and thrilled because they know they're doing God's work. Absolutely. And other countries should be thrilled we're moving in and selling Arby's. Nothing ever happens for a REASON in your world, does it?

Unless you write an apology for your Edwards crack you're blackballed for 24 hours.

Xmastime said...

again: nothing ever happens for a reason. of course.

Marley said...


Look out. I must snap under the pressure of your vindictive and restrictive policy.

Look, pal. When you tie the dude's whack-out to the strain of war, and it's pointed out how infantile and easy that conclusion is, and then it's pointed out that he's been stateside, and your rebuttal is "okay, but that doesn't mean the strain of war doesn't make some soldiers snap," well, I don't like to be competitive but . . .

Marley said...

Q. "What was the reason Jeff Dahmer ate all those folks?"

Xmastime: "Agribusiness."

Xmastime said...

if youre going to come on here and try to argue with me, please try to first understand my original point: this has happened before. it will happen again. we might as well not set up situations that practically beg for them to occur that dont make any sense in the first place. insisting on barking like a dog and clinging like a pork chop to this one guy completely misses the point of the post. i know youre amped up because its almost the weekend and you have the dogtrack waiting for you, but calm down.

unless i receieve a well-crafted 200-word apology for the edwards thing, you are now on Xmastime Silence for 24 hours.

Anonymous said...

Down with Blogger Stalinism!

More Marley vs. Xmastime!

Marley said...

Silence means you have to shut up for 24 hours? Oh man.

Your original point is that there have been massacres by soldiers before? Really? That was your point? That's it? Then why the extraneous, larger context making a tie not to just the what" but the "why?"

Act with dignity, Xmastime.

You said some stupid shit, your dick is in the vacuum hose and for reasons of pride and foolishness, you're trying to shove your balls in after.

Xmastime said...

Anonymous, I have not bothered to read what you wrote, nor will I read anything you post unless it is prefaced with "Hi!! I'ma giant fucking douchebag!! Please take a moment to read some stupid 4th-grader shit I came up with while jerking off to Harry Potter! WOW am I an asshole!"

Xmastime said...

I lost an uncle that way. not cool.

Xmastime said...

the vacuum way, i meant.