Monday, November 30, 2009

I Would Like Some Dick in 2012

The DRAFT DICK CHENEY FOR 2012 clamor has started, surprising exactly nobody of course.
A new group wants former Vice President Dick Cheney back in the White House.

The organization - "Draft Dick Cheney 2012" - launched on Friday, and unveiled their new Web site. Their aim: To convince the former vice president to seek the Republican presidential nomination in the next race for the White House.

I for one would love to see him run, obviously for reasons including a real airing of the nonsense he propagated for 8 years. It would be a stunning deluge of shit collapsing on all of us a lá the overstuffed closet door. Though mostly I'd like to see it so we once again show the world how ass-bafflingly stupid we are. I promise you that no matter how revolting the shot that gets revealed, no matter how much in black and white terms it's pointed out that he was partially responsible for some of the worst things that have happened to the country in decades, at least 40 million people will walk to the polls and pull the lever for him. Cause we're stupid, and Cheney running would be a great barometer of just how stupid we are (more so, incredibly, than Palin running.)

Of course all of this will surely be moot, as if there's one thing we know about Cheney it's that it's pretty impossible to draft him for anything. So.


Kiko Jones said...

"...if there's one thing we know about Cheney it's that it's pretty impossible to draft him for anything."


Expect variations of this wonderful snark to pop up all
over the place. (But I'll always know where I read it first!)

Xmastime said...

thanks brah! :)