Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Len Bias

TNC reminds everybody to watch the Len Bias doc on ESPN tonight. Along with a great "Greatest hits" video, he talks about the effect Bias death had on his own generation's perception of coke use. Interesting.

Can't wait to watch, tho I'm sure I'll be whining and blubbering and texting Op every five minutes. Ah well. Can remember what I was doing when the news cut in on Q94. Laying on my side in bed facing the wall, reading Ball Four. Fuck.

Of course it was many years later before I realized he had come to be considered The Archduke Ferdinand of the Drug War. Jeez.


Marley said...

"The Archduke Ferdinand of the Drug War. Jeez."

Now that shit is funny. Bravo!

Xmastime said...

did i come up with that myself? i cant remember. theres no way Im that clever. (or AM i.....)

Marley said...

If you did, it's a top 10. Pussy.

Xmastime said...

ah, googled, looks like someone else came up with it. including here

shew. if i had come up with that myself, the noxious fumes coming outta me woulda been something to behold.