Saturday, November 07, 2009

Mixed Taped Up

I don't know if the Mix Tape Website I keep yammering about has actually happened, but it looks like someone has "written" a book about mix tapes.
Cassette from My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost Loves shares sixty hilarious, nostalgic and heartbreaking stories stories all about crushes and mixtapes.
I have quotes around "written" since I wonder how I too can make money on a book wherein people do the writing and I do the ol' cut & paste. Interesting.

Also, as per the mix tape listing he posts at bottom of the page: Unsatisfied is a side 2 opener, not side 1; Side 1 opener is the balls-out, getting-ready-to-go-out-on-Saturday night cut of which there is no slowdown if any til song 4 (ballad.) Side 2 is always the more reflective of the openers (lone exception: side 2 may open with Born to Run.) Also, two bands taking up the first four songs is no good. I won't even comment on the fact that out of 200 Ramones song this jerkoff choosing Spiderman. I'm assuming maybe there's a specific reason. Like, the person's a fucking idiot, for instance. Also, anything from The Clash off Sandinista! that is not Police on My Back/Lose This Skin/Somebody Got Murdered/Hitsville UK means the mix taper is trying too hard to show how "cool" he is and should be immediately frozen out. Just a fact.

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