Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Through the Grate

I've spent many a post waxing gay on how great the debut eps of the Rational Herdsmen and DT & the Shakes were (including a JMU 1985 post HERE!!!!), and I'm in the middle of trying to break down which ep finally wins the battle. I'm having a hard time deciding, so to let myself stall I'm sticking this Rational Herdsmen super-slice Through the Grate here in a "video," ie 7 photos repeated over and over...except for a single surprise photo SOMEWHERE in the video !!  MWAA-HAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

(DT video tomorrow)


mamalizza said...

just watched the whole thing and didnt see a surprise picture. gyp!

Xmastime said...

youve been zung! ;)

but how cute is that panda? camon