Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Quirks of Basketball

It's curious what earth-shaking ramifications certain people can have over the holds of society - for instance, nobody thought twice about the dangers of cocaine until Len Bias died. And nobody really took HIV/AIDS seriously as anything other than "serves the fags right" until Magic Johnson's press conference 18 years ago tomorrow. Is it going to take two dudes from the NBA falling in love to put the issue of gay marriage up front and where it needs to be, ie millions of people all of a sudden rooting for it's passage simply because it now has a familiar face?

I wrote the title to this post after writing the actual post, and the word "Quirk" made me think of the first time I saw The Ramones, in March of 1990 at Trax in Charlottesville. Since Brothatime!! went to UVa at the time I arranged with him to visit for the weekend. Now, this was the Dark Ages, so I needed an ID to get into the show and Brothatime!! gave me the id of his fraternity brother Tom Quirk to get me into the show. A coupla hours before the show that afternoon we're all gunning the rock at Brothatime!!'s fraternity house, and I remember taking a break and standing there with Brothertime!! and his buddy Pete. We're shooting the shit, watching the guys play 3 on 3, when it looks like my soon-to-be-namesake Tom Quirk starts hitting a few shots in a row, each from about 3 feet longer than the last. Finally he nails one from about 20 and Pete (Tadero? close?) shouts out "he's got it calibrated now!" That fucking cracked the shit up outta me, and here we are twenty years later and I use that line whenever I can, probably about once a month, even to this day. If you hang out with me long enuff you will hear this line, and now you know why. Awesome.

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