Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

I caught some of the Palin imnterview with Bill O'Reilly last night, and he asked something interesting: if they're closing Gitmo, why doesn't Alaska take the prisoniers?

Now, he said it mostly jokingly.  But I instantly thought well, why NOT Alaska? I mean, if we're so terrified of these prisoners, even though, you know, they'd be locked in maximum security prisons, then wouldn't Alaska be the perfect place - isolated from the continental US, and with a kabillion square miles where nobody else lives?

Of course Palin, looking incredulously as O'Reilly, shot down that idea emphatically, saying "you better ask Alaskans what they'd think about that."

Which seemed funny to me. How much does Palin go on and on about what hard-working, tough patriots Alaskans are? From what we can tell from her they wrestle moose to the ground and eat their meat while they're still alive; SURELY these, the truest of all Americans, would WELCOME the chance to show these prisoners how "non-elitist" patriots take care of business?

But, of course, no. I guess all that's just a bunch of hot air. Interesting.

And while of course anything would be tougher than the absurd Oprah/Babawawa/Hannity "interviews," I gotta give Billo some credit for calling her on her bullshit re: China.



Anonymous said...

hey- they're sending em to court in New York without asking New Yorkers how they feel. Spew some more venom in Satan's Big Apple and make a mockery of our court system.

Anonymous said...

Satan's Big Apple? You're making a mockery of yourself.

Kiko Jones said...

O'Reilly is the only one on Faux who will ask her less puff piece-type questions; of course, that's not saying much.

Chris Wallace might be another exception, but she's not gonna show up on a real political show, even an iffy one as his, on a network that fawns over her.

Hannity, on the other hand...

Unknown said...

On 9/11, we were all New Yorkers, as long as our metaphorical New York selves were not Jewish, Gay, Puerto Rican, African, Black, Dominican, Muslim, Chinese, Korean, Transexual, or too "Italian" (you know what I mean).

Put the motherfiretruckers in a court of law and convict them. We are not the Taliban, we have courts, it's kinda what we do in the USofA.

Anonymous said... please post this video in your blog. Sarah palin related.