Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Two-for-One Winner

Driven by Beck/Bachmann/Palin et al, this is the direction Republicans are letting their party be dragged in:
I live in St. Lawrence and my car had a Doug Hoffman bumper sticker. Last night it was vandalized with the windows smashed and the tires slashed. This morning there was a dead cat on my lawn with a note saying on it, this is what we do to Hoffman supporters.
Though to be honest, if it means more dead cats I'm willing to listen.


Marley said...

Hey, doofus. You chose an article decrying the crazies for Hoffman but selected from the comments a quote from a Hoffman supporter saying he'd been a victim of, what would you call it, "Olbermann/Pelosi/Gore" extremism.

You saw "dead cat" and you panicked, but get your fat Christie ass back on message or Yglesias may become displeased and disinvite you to his Issues Forum.

Marley said...

in Aspen, no less, $1600, includes 2 nights lodging, a photo and possible appearances by Paul Begala and Ariana Huffington (via pre-recorded video).

Xmastime said...

well, i was in a hurry to get to the "dead cats are good" punchline. now i gotta teach you about comedy too? wtf? ;)

Marley said...

I'm just concerned for you. Is that wrong?

Xmastime said...

hahaha! nice to have someone looking out! :)