Thursday, December 03, 2009

Ah, Sweet Newt

That's the logo for Newt Gingrich's pretend jobs fair that's apparently going on today, at which Newt will unveil brilliant, new ideas that are SO new and forward-thinking that in a truly bold move Newt asks us to close our eyes and pretend that Seinfeld is on the air, you haven't yet heard of the internet and Princess Diana is still on your "sniffity-sniff" list. Who knows what this genius will come up with next? A portable AM/FM cassette player? In a word: inspiring.

Mostly, I find the logo funny in it's clichéd "okay, let's put on them hardhats and get to working, folks!!!" I mean, really. Camon. It's a nice bit of myth-making and tickles people's testicles "awwww, Newt's so blue collar!"  etc etc. But aren't we in such times that we need to REALLY get people working and money pumping through the economy? Shouldn't the REAL logo be THIS?

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