Thursday, December 31, 2009

Artist of the Decade Update

And oh yeah, just for shits n giggles he played the Super Bowl, and had the best press conference evah.
It's yet another reason I love Bruce so much. 90% of today's bands would've sat there trying to be moody/ironic/trying to out-loser each other in the "who got beat up by the jocks the most?" sweepstakes. Not Bruce. Dude comes shooting out of a cannon, so old-school, as if he's training for a summer tour in the Catskills. In 23 minutes he gets off 8,934 jokes, of which 3 actually get a laugh (other than Bruce himself, I mean.) But he keeps trying, throwing them out there "Zim-ZAM How we doing, Tampa!!" I fucking love it.

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