Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Awesome. As Usual.

Sarah Palin said she meant no disrespect to the man that elevated her to the national scene after she was photographed wearing a visor on which Sen. John McCain's name had been blacked out. The gossip Web site TMZ ran photos of the former Alaska governor vacationing in Hawaii earlier this week in which Palin is shown with a McCain campaign visor with black marker covering the ex-presidential candidate's name. The Web site declared the hat a "frontal attack on Sen. John McCain," but Palin told Politico she was merely trying to "be incognito" while vacationing in Hawaii.
Only Sniffy-Wiffy would go "incognito" by scratching out every name on the cap...EXCEPT HER OWN. I guess we hould mostly be surpried there wasn't a marching band in front of her announcing her presence while she had on semi-dark sunglasses to "hope" she wasn't recognized.

Mostly though, where are some of these snaps of her preening on the beach in a thong? Camon, mofos!~!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thinly veiled romantic allusions! You LOVE that woman.