Thursday, December 31, 2009

Comic Books are Fucking Gay

Matt Yglesias mentions something HERE that caught my eye:
I’m not sure what’s led people to get confused about this—I think maybe people have decided that the use of a darker color pallet makes Dark Knight more serious, which is itself a lot sillier than using bright colors in your comic book adaptation. Dark Knight isn’t even as good as Batman Begins!
Other than Fantastic Four, thanks to my dick's tv guide radar via Jessica Alba, I have not seen any of the many comic book adaptation movies. But one thing I've learned about The Dark Knight is that anyone who watches it is physically unable to talk about it without going on and on about how "dark" and "serious" it is. Try this with the next person you see - ask about The Dark Knight, and see how long they can go without remarking on how "dark and brooding" the movie is.  I suppose the exact opposite would be The Family Guy doing War and Peace. I do not know why people are so compelled to try to convince everybody they see how serious these movies are. Though I suspect it has something to do with feeling foolish about being an adult who's watching a movie based on a children's picture book that features a dude dressing up in tights fighting jokers and riddlers and penguins.

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