Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Good News for the Modern Man

Thankfully, after that pussy Pope John Paul George Ringo II died, the new pope and his minions can finally take care of real business: God don't like no faggots.
In direct violation of Catholic doctrine, a leading cardinal has insisted that being gay is a choice and that those who choose to be gay are thereby excluded from God's kingdom. Benedict's church is slowly reversing the reforms of the 1970s that saw gay persons as made in the image of God and inherently not sinful, as long as they remained celibate and lived alone their entire lives...One also notes that the new Ugandan bill that would begin to treat gays as sub-human threats to be identified, informed on, jailed and executed has met no resistance from Pope Benedict XVI. Since the largest religious group in Uganda is Catholic, one has to take Benedict's silence in the face of this proposed Nazi-style law against homosexuals to be consent.
Hey, can the church do anything about the assclowns that insist on playing Midnight Rambler whenever they get within fifteen feet of a fucking jukebox?

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