Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Great 2009 Xmastime Moments, XXXII

Heigl II

I went over my "doubts" re: someone as hot as Katherine Heigl letting someone who looks like Seth Rogan up in her guts without sodium penthol HERE. Then I'm flipping around last night, and it turns out there's a scene later in the flick where they're fucking AGAIN, this time as she's pregnant, and he freaks out cause he feels the baby kicking and pulls out to stop the relations. Cause he felt the goddam thing kick.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????! If I look like a turd with hair and yet Katherine Heigl is still letting me fuck her, that kid could wander out and check my gotdam prostate, and I ain't stopping. For fuck's sake. Wtf?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I wonder how Seth Rogan must feel about Knocked Up's hottie-hooks-up-with-schlub question? I mean, they even dedicated a good chunk of an Entourage episode to this nonsense. (Were they passively commenting on Jamie-Lynn Sigler's real-life romance with the guy who plays Turtle?)

As a broke, overweight, non-famous, non-George Clooney look-a-like, I've banged a few hot chicks in my time, so obviously that part of the premise I did not have a problem believing.

What did surprise me was that a generation of commitment-phobic, abortion-willing folks would buy the premise that a successful and ambitious career woman as Heigl's character would have a child out of wedlock by a one-night stand who has the ambition and drive of a slug. That was believable, right? Meanwhile, that some schlubby dude could get lucky one night and bag a drunken hot chick, well that was preposterous. Please.