Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Hey, Curt Schilling's Still a Fucking Idiot

My old BFF Curt Schilling is at it again, outraged that somebody or other said something suggesting that maybe every single one of the troops aren't military geniuses, or maybe he suggested a gingerbread cookie recipe, who knows since with Curt you get the same response, and of course he invokes you-know-who:
His response is one of such callousness it’s unthinkable. Talk to a veteran of any war, Senator McCain is a great example. The last thing they want to do is send troops into battle, understanding the massive sacrifice that is asking.
Curt, if you wanna have ANY credibility when saying something like that, you MIGHT wanna bring up ANYBODY ELSE ON THE PLANET; McCain of course being someone who wants to go to war with anyone he can find in his large-print Almanac. For fuck's sake, this is the guy that heard about The Colonel and wanted to invade Kentucky. "We're all chicken parts now." Curt, you're dumb enough to begin with, you don't need to pile on yourself like this.

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