Monday, December 14, 2009

In America

Hey, Nebraska hates Obama's socialism too:
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was supposed to create jobs by the millions, but Debra Morgan of North Platte, Neb., says it got her fired.

Morgan, a 17-year employee and former executive director of North Platte’s housing authority, contends she’s a victim of small-town politics. She says that against her advice the authority’s commissioners rejected $588,000 in stimulus funds because of their anti-government principles, then threw her under the bus when they got caught in the glare of national publicity. 
I would think it the whole "anti-government principles" idea would be a lot easier to take seriously if it weren't coming from people that were, you know, in government. I don't know what the word is that can be used to describe the completely ironic use disavowing oneself to give yourself MORE power while completely fucking over thousands of other people, but it FEELS like that word should be "sexy."

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