Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In America

From this dude over HERE:
For all the talk about Lieberman's position on the health care bill, it seems that much of the analysis has ignored the fact that this might be electorally smart for Lieberman. Sure, in 2009, his derailing of health care seems like a poor choice, but by 2012, it could look pretty smart. It's likely that health care reform will pass in one form or another because it's too important to Democrats for it to not pass in some form. When that happens he can vote for it, claiming to have supported it the whole time, and at the same time, portray himself as a deficit hawk. That's the key here.
Of course that's the point with all of this. And of course it's pretty sad that much of the best parts of what could be a great bill that could save thousands of people's live as well as greatly enhance the quality of life of countless others comes down to one or two or three already fabulously wealthy people wanting to assure themselves of being re-elected. How it is, I guess.

Is it what’s best for the the country? Of course not. But Joe Lieberman knows that it's not his job to do what's best for the people in his state, it's his job to convince them that what's best for Joe is really what's best for them, and he knows that come voting time that will probably be pretty easy to do. Brilliant.

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