Thursday, December 03, 2009

Le Tiger

I don't know what's stranger about the Tiger Woods phone message that's been making the rounds - the fact that someone as smart as Tiger would not think that a recorded message could come back and bite him in the ass, or that the girl didn't answer the phone. Really? I would think that whomever Tiger Woods is fucking would pretty much be on standby 24/7, and that the first ring would barely have started before she grabs the phone "where? when? I'm there!!" I mean, I understand when Kam Sing won't answer MY calls, but Tiger? Really?

Also, can we all stop pretending Tiger's gonna be ruined financially because of this? Please. Yeah, maybe his wife gets $500M. Who gives a shit? Tiger could say "I'm going on NBC to scratch my balls, and I don't mean golf balls heh heh heh, for 30 minutes, and you're gonna give me $100M to do it." Camon.

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