Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Mo, Mo, Mo

Reagan's speech put him on the spot, and it didn't take Springsteen long to make his move. Twenty minutes into his first show afterwards, in Pittsburgh on Sept. 21, he stopped to say, "The president was mentioning my name the other day and I kinda got to wondering what his favorite album musta been. I don't think it was the Nebraska album. I don't think he's been listening to this one." Then he went into "Johnny 99."
Watching Metallica at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame thing on HBO last night reminded me of how amused I am every time I watch Mariano Rivera enter the game to Enter Sandman at Yankee Stadium. I mean, I get it, "light's out, the Sandman's here, game over!!" But do we really think Mo has ever heard another Metallica song? I mean, I gotta think that if he does, he'd be like "what the...you fuckers let me trot out to this all these years without telling me how shitty this fucking band is??!?!?!"

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Actually, as a devotee of only two types of music--Christian, and old-school Latin--it's a pretty safe bet that Mo has never heard another Metallica song.

Btw, Lars was never a killer drummer but these days he flat out sucks.