Monday, December 14, 2009

Movies du Decade

One great thing about having your own blog is you get to think "hey, I'll bet everybody's wondering what my Top 10 Movies of the Decade are!" So I've decided to do a list, and now I'm depressed. cause look at that list of movies I've watched. I have sat through some dumb fucking movies - I mean christ, no wonder I hate the Apatow/Farrell juggernaut: cause I've fucking pummeled myself with them!!!  Plus I feel like there's about 20 documentaries I watched that I'm not remembering. Already I see I left Chasing the Ghosts off by accident. I don't know how I'm gonna pick 10 from this list, the only guarantees are Ratatouille and Tropic Thunder. Well, plus I ain't got my 2009 list up yet. My only defense is I saw exactly 13 of these in the theater.


Kiko Jones said...

I've got my "Decade in Review" post up; check it out.

Whirling House said...

The Rocker? Really?