Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Muse

Somehow over the course of mere months A-Rod went from being a steroid-using, self-kissing douchebag, most-hated Yankee that was blamed for all their troubles to beloved insanely post-season clutch hitter that will be spoken of around campfires in hushed tones from father to son from now on as a great Yankee.

And the only reason I can come up with for this amazingly quick turnaround is Kate Hudson. A-Rod started dating her, and PRESTO!!! Complete makeover in every way. Hit in the clutch, said/did the right thing at every turn, finally became "one of the guys," and won a World Series. Obviously what I'm getting at is I need to be Kate's agent, and I could "lend" her out to athletes struggling with their careers and image, a lá Sharen Stone from Albert Brooks' The Muse. Great idea, right?!!!?!

And obviously I have my first client in mind HERE.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Well, Kate is reportedly single these days, so...