Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Richard Cohen Dude

I never bother watching Rachel Maddow, since I'm sure I already pretty much agree with whatever she's saying, and it looks like she's simply not going to do anything about that hair (I don't think they're making an Inspector Gadget sequel, sweetheart.) But this clip of her tearing into this guy who's in the "cure the gays" business and has a coupla "books" on the subject has been making the rounds, so I just took a peep.

I must say. If I REALLY thought I had the power to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals, I don't think I'd be wasting my time hanging out with a buncha homos and writing books nobody's gonna read. I'd be convincing banks to open their vaults for me, or having strange women flash me their titties on the street. I wouldn't be talking about boring shit with Rachel Maddow, I'd be forcing young Jedi knights to bend their minds to my own will in an effort to take over entire solar systems. Camon, dude. There's underachieving, and then there's UNDERACHIEVING!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I gotta say, I saw this live and even though she had the truth on her side, Maddow--as a homosexual woman--let the fact that this is an issue close to her come through loud and clear. Basically, it was as biased an encounter as anything on Fox.

So, what I'm saying is this: can't accuse Fox of being biased and then do the same thing, even if you might be on the correct side of an issue.